Saturday, 31 July 2010


SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Torchbearers at Missa Cantata)

The Torchbearers at Missa Cantata

Procession to altar

When you are to be a Torchbearer walk with the other Torchbearers, not carrying your candle, immediately behind the Acolytes in the procession to the altar, keeping in pairs.

Preparatory Prayers

When you come before the altar, genuflect with your partner, turn inwards to face him and bow to him. He will also bow to you. Then turn away from him and go to your place at the seat which has been prepared for you. When the Mc kneels down, kneel also.

Incensing of altar

When the Celebrant goes up to the altar after the Preparatory Prayers, stand up.

Introit to Gloria

Remain standing until the Celebrant sits down during the Gloria in excelsis Deo if this is sung, and stand again when the Celebrant does so.

Collect to Alleluia/Tract

Stand for the Collect (1). If there is a Sequence, sit down when the Celebrant does. Sit down during the Epistle.


When the Mc, Thurifer and Acolytes genuflect to go to the place of the Gospel, stand for the Gospel.


If there is a Sermon, sit and listen to it.


Stand while the Celebrant recites the Creed. Genuflect at Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est when the Celebrant does so. When he has finished the Creed, he goes to sit. Sit also. Bow when Et incarnatus est, etc. is sung if you are sitting, but kneel during them if you are still standing when they are sung. (2). Bow when the words simul adoratur are sung. When the Celebrant stands, stand up at the Offertory.

After the celebrant has sung Dominus vobiscum and Oremus, sit. When the Thurifer comes to cense the Torchbearers, stand. When he bows to you bow back to him, and when he has censed you, bow to him again. Leave your place to stand at the centre of the sanctuary, lined up with the other Torchbearers in pairs ready to go to the sacristy to collect your torch candle. When the Thurifer comes to join you, genuflect to the altar with him and follow him to the sacristy to collect your torch.

Secret to Consecration

At the start of the singing of Sanctus, follow theThurifer, carrying your torch candle, (3) back to thesanctuary, genuflect with him, go to the place where youhave been told to kneel, and kneel there with the otherTorchbearers, making a line across the sanctuary, facing towards the altar and holding your torch candle up straight.

Consecration to Communion

Look up at the Blessed Sacrament when the Celebrant elevates It. Say "My Lord and my God" when you look on the Sacred Host.

When the schola begins to sing Agnus Dei with the other Torchbearers, stand up and form two lines facing each other across the sanctuary, so that, when the Celebrant goes to give communion to the people, you will not have your back to the Blessed Sacrament. When you have done this kneel down again.


If you are to receive communion, remain where you are when the other servers go up to the altar to receive the Blessed Sacrament. When the Celebrant has given communion to them, ne will come and give connunion to you where yui are krieeling with your torch candle (4). Once the Vt ssed Sacrament has been placed in the tabelnacl, uhe ihurifer will give you a sign for you to gt:),t up, turn and face the altar and genuflects with the :ither Torchbearers and follow the Tnurifer, walking in pairs ar.rain, back to the sacristy. Put away your torch and follow the Thurifer, walking in pairs c::ain, back to the sanctuary, genuflect in pairs and turn and bow to your partner as you did at the beginning of Mass, and return to your place.

Ablutions to end of Mass

You may sit down if the Ablutions are still taking place or if the Celebrant is reading the Communion Verse. Stand when he sings Dominus Vobiscum before the Postcommunion (5). Kneel for the Blessing, and stand for the Last Gospel, genuflect at Et Verbum caro factum est.

After Mass

When the Last Gospel is finished, go to stand at the centre, ready to follow the Thurifer and Acolytes back to the sacristy. Genuflect when the Mc does and follow behind the Thurifer and Acolytes back to the sacristy in the same order as at the start of Mass.


Notes for the Torchbearers

(1) At Masses for the Dead and at Ferial Masses in Advent, Lent, Passiontide, the September Ember Days, and Vigils of the II or III class (i.e. when the vestments are black or, on a weekday, but not on a Sunday, violet), kneel for the Collect.

(2) Properly, only those standing at the time when the words Et incarnatus est, etc. are begun kneel for the chanting of them; however, it has long been the custom in England and Wales for all except the Celebrant (and the Sacred Ministers at High Mass) to kneel even after they have sat. Do what the Mc tells you to do.

(3) When you are walking to or from the altar carrying your torch candle hold it in your outside hand, i.e.: the hand on the opposite side to the server who is walking beside you.

(4) This is the present custom. Previously, other servers took the torch candles from the Torchbearers, after they had themselves received communion, so the Torchbearers could go up to the footpace to receive there. It seems to me that the method described in the text is far better than the older form, but do whatever the Mc tells you to do.

(5) At the Masses listed in Note (1) above, kneel for the Postcommunion Prayer.

SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Acolytes at Missa Cantata)

The Acolytes at Missa Cantata

I have designated the two acolytes as First Acolyte and Second Acolyte although the rubrics make no distinction between the two. They are both responsible for ensuring that the duties of the Acolytes are carried out. It will, no doubt, be best if they decide between themselves in advance which of them is to do such things as to ring the bell or move the book (if this is to be done by the Acolytes a see Notes (1) and (5))

Procession to altar

During the Procession to the Altar, walk, side by side, carrying your candles, behind the Thurifer and in front of the other servers. Genuflect to the altar when you arrive there and put your candles on the credence table.

Preparatory Prayers

When the Mc kneels, kneel down on the foor. Say the responses silently so as not to disturb the singing of the Introit.

Incensing of altar

When the Celebrant goes up to the Altar, stand and remain standing at the credence table. When he censes the Altar, the Second Acolyte, should take the Missal and its stand or cushion from altar and stand at the foot of the steps holding it until the Celebrant has censed where it stood, then put it back where it was. (1)

Introit to Gloria

Stand at the credence table. If the Celebrant goes tosit during the singing of Kyrie eleison, sit also when he has and stand again when he stands. Do the same at Gloria in excelsis Deo, when the Celebrant sits down. Bow when the words Iesu Christe (twice) and suscipe deprecationem are sung.

Collect to Alleluia/Tract

Stand at the credence table during the Collect (2), Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia Verse or Tract (and Sequence); if the Celebrant goes to sit down during the singing, sit also.


When the Celebrant goes to the centre of the Altar to put incense into the thurible, take your candles and go with them to stand before the altar, leave space for the Thurifer to stand between you and room for the Mc to genuflect between you and the altar steps.

Genuflect with the Mc and the Thurifer and go round to the Gospel side of the Altar to stand at the Foot of the steps on either side of the Thurifer while the Celebrant sings the Gospel. When the Mc has censed the Celebrant, go back to the centre with the Mc and Thurifer, genuflect together, go to the credence table and put down your candles.


If there is a sermon, sit and listen while it is preached. At its end, go to stand at the credence table.


If there is no sermon, stay at the credence table while the Celebrant recites the Creed. Genuflect at Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est when the Celebrant does so. When he has finished the Creed, he goes to sit. Sit also. Bow when Et incarnatus est, etc. is sung if you are sitting, but kneel during them if you are still standing when they are sung. (3). Bow when the words simul adoratur are sung. When the Celebrant stands, stand up and go back to the credence table.
If there is no Credo, all proceed below.
When the Celebrant unveils the chalice, take the cruets, the First Acolyte take the wine, the Second the water. When the Celebrant comes to the Epistle side, First Acolyte hand him the wine cruet with your right hand and receive it back with your left when he has finished pouring the wine into the chalice; the Second Acolyte must then hold up the water cruet for the Celebrant to bless the water, hand it to him your right hand and receive it from him with your left (4). Bow to the Altar, go back to the credence table and put the cruets back in their place.
While incense is being put into the thurible, the Second Acolyte should go round to the Gospel side of the altar; genuflect at the centre as you pass across before the Altar steps; as the Celebrant, censing the Altar, goes towards the Epistle side, take the Missal on its stand or cushion from the Altar until the Celebrant has censed where it stood. Put it back in the same place from which you took it and return to the credence table, genuflecting at the centre as you pass across before the Altar steps (5).
Meanwhile First Acolyte, at the credence table prepare to wash the Celebrant's fingers; place the lavabo towel over your left arm, take the lavabo bowl in your left hand and the water cruet in the right hand. Stand at the credence table until the Mc has censed the Celebrant, then go up the steps on the Epistle side to stand in front of the Celebrant. Pour a little water over the Celebrant's fingers when he holds them over the lavabo bowl, then offer him the lavabo towel on your arm. When the Celebrant has washed his fingers, he will return the towel to your arm. Bow to the Celebrant, go to the credence table and put the cruets and the towel in their place.
When you are both back at the credence table, face the Thurifer who will cense you with one double swing each. When he bows to you, before and after censing you, bow in return.
Secret to Consecration
When the Celebrant says Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, the First Acolytes rings the bell three times, once at each Sanctus. Remain standing at the credence table (6).
At Hanc igitur, the Second Acolyte will put incense into the thurible ready for the Elevation, unless the Mc does this.
Consecration to Communion
When the Mc kneels down, kneel on either side of the Thurifer on the bottom step at the Epistle side for the Consecration. The First Acolyte must ring the bell once each time the Celebrant genuflects and once each time he elevates the Blessed Sacrament (nine times in all). After the last genuflection, stand at the credence table (6).
Each time the Celebrant says Domine non sum dignus, the First Acolyte must ring the bell (three times, once at each Domine non sum dignus).
If you are going to receive communion, go to kneel on the edge of the footpace of the Altar with the other servers. Genuflect before going up to the footpace, but once you have received the Blessed Sacrament, go straight back to your place at the credence table without genuflecting. Kneel there to make your thanksgiving while the Celebrant is giving communion to the people.
Ablutions to end of Mass
When the Blessed Sacrament has been put into the tabernacle, stand up and take a cruet each, the First Acolyte having the wine as before, and go to the top step on the Epistle side. When the Celebrant holds out the chalice, the First Acolyte must go to where the Celebrant is standing, and pour wine into the chalice; the Celebrant will usually indicate how much wine he wants; when he indicates, usually by raising the chalice a little, stop pouring and go back to the top step.
When the Celebrant comes to the side and holds out the chalice, the First Acolyte must pour wine over his fingers, again the Celebrant will probably indicate when you should stop pouring, The Second Acolyte then pour water over the Celebrant's fingers. He will probably indicate when you should stop pouring (4). Bow to the Altar, and go back to the credence table and put the cruets back in their place. Remain at the credence until the end of Mass. You should not move the chalice veil.
Remain standing for the Communion Verse and the Postcommunion Prayer (7).
Kneel for the Blessing and stand for the Last Gospel. Genuflect with the Celebrant at Et Verbum caro factum est. At the end of the Last Gospel, take your candles and go with them to stand with the Thurifer at the centre before the Altar, facing towards it, standing near the entrance to the sanctuary ready to lead the way back to the sacristy. Leave space for the other servers to line up between you and the Altar.
After Mass
If any hymn or prayer follows the Mass, stand facing the Altar during it.
Finally, when the Mc gives a sign, genuflect with the other servers and follow the Thurifer back to the sacristy.
In the sacristy, bow with the other servers to the crucifix and then to the Celebrant. If it is the custom for the Celebrant to give the servers his blessing in the sacristy, kneel for this. If there is no sacristan, help the other servers clear the Altar, then remove your cassocks and cottas and go quietly away. It is fitting that you first say a prayer of thanksgiving.
Notes for the Acolytes
(1) The Missal can be moved by the Thurifer instead. If he is to do so, both Acolytes remain at the credence table for the censing of the Altar. The Mc will tell you before Mass who is to move the Missal.
(2) At Masses for the Dead and at Ferial Masses in Advent, Lent, Passiontide, the September Ember Days, and Vigils of the II or III class (i.e. when the vestments are black or, on a weekday, but not on a Sunday, violet), kneel for the Collect.
(3) Properly, only those standing at the time when the words Et incarnatus est, etc. are begun kneel for the chanting of them; however, it has long been the custom in England and Wales for all except the Celebrant (and the Sacred Ministers at High Mass) to kneel even after they have sat. Do what the Mc tells you to do.
(4) The Mc may want you to hand the cruets to him and he will then hand them to the Celebrant. The Mc will tell you if he wishes it to done this way.
(5) The Missal can be moved by the Thurifer instead. In this case, you both remain at the credence table for the censing of the Altar and when the Celebrant has been censed by the Mc, both assist at the Lavabo; the First Acolyte takes the water cruet and lavabo bowl, the Second Acolyte the lavabo towel. The Mc will tell you who is to move the Missal.
(6) At the Masses listed in Note (2) above, kneel from the Sanctus until the Celebrant has sung Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum when you should stand up again.
(7) At the Masses listed in Note (2) above, kneel for the Postcommunion Prayer and the Prayer over the People when there is one.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Thurifer at Missa Cantata)

The Thurifer at Missa Cantata


Hold the thurible by putting the little finger of the hand in with which you are carrying it through the ring on the top of the thurible and passing the thumb of the same hand through the ring at the top of the drawing chain; in this way, with a little practice, you will be able, by raising or lowering your thumb, to open and close the thurible with one hand, while your other hand is occupied with holding the incense boat.

For a younger server, whose hands are too small for him to do this with ease, it is better for him to hold the thurible by grasping the chains by the top; if he is small he can also hold the chains about half way down with his other hand. In this case he will not be able to hold the incense boat and provision for this to be available when required will have to be made by the Mc (1).

The thurible may be swung either from side to side or forward and back, but should aways be swung gently; it should under no circumstances be swung violently and never above waist height. The function of a Thurifer is to carry the thurible and keep it burning until it is needed, not to draw attention to himself.

Procession to altar

The Thurifer always leads the procession to (or from) the altar carrying the thurible, unless the Asperges or some other rite at which the thurible is not required will precede Mass.

Preparatory Prayers

When you arrive before the altar, genuflect and go to stand near the credence table and remain standing there during the Preparatory Prayers.

Incensing of altar

After Preparatory Prayers, join the Mc and the Celebrant on the footpace of the altar and hold out the open thurible (see Diagram 5) while the Celebrant puts incense into the thurible. During the censing of the altar take the Missal from the altar until Celebrant has censed where it stands (2). After the altar has been censed, stand beside the Mc at the Epistle side of the altar while the Mc censes the Celebrant, then take the thurible away, either to the sacristy or, if there is a stand by the credence table, you may leave it there.

Introit to Gloria

Once you have put the thurible aside, go to stand at your place near the credence table. Sit when the Celebrant sits during the Gloria in excelsis Deo, bow at Iesu Christe, suscipe deprecationem nostram and again at Iesu Christe, and stand again when the Celebrant does so.

Collect to Alleluia/Tract

During the Epistle, go to collect the thurible. If it is on a stand nearby, you only need take it at the end of the Epistle, but if you need to go to the sacristy to get it, give yourself sufficient time to get to the sacristy, collect the thurible and return with it so as to be back in the sanctuary in time for the imposition of incense which follows the Alleluia, etc.


When the Celebrant returns to the centre of the altar, join him and the Mc on the footpace and hold up the open thurtble for him to put in incense. The thurible should be kept held up and open until the Celebrant has blessed the incense. Then take the incense boat back from the Mc and go and wait in the centre in front of the altar with the Acolytes until the Mc comes to join you. Genuflect with the others and go round to the Gospel side of altar and stand there between the two Acolytes. Hand the thurible to the Mc. Wait until the Celebrant has censed the Missal then receive the thurible from the Mc and stand gently swinging it during the singing of the Gospel. Lead the other servers to the front of the altar and genuflect together. Put the thurible aside, either on the stand, if there is one, or return it to the sacristy and go back to your place by the credence table. If there is no Sermon or Credo, do not return the thurible to the sacristy as it will be required almost immediately for the censing of the altar at the Offertory.


If there is a sermon, sit for it.


During the said Credo, if there is one, stand in your place until the Celebrant sits down; Genuflect at Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est when the Celebrant does so. Sit when the Celebrant does. Bow when Et incarnatus est, etc. is sung if you are sitting, but kneel durin them if you are still standing when they are sung. (3) and bow at simul adoratur. When the Celebrant stands, stand up.


After the Celebrant has put wine and water into the chalice, go to stand on the footpace vith the Mc for incense to be put in thurible as before.

During the censing of the altar take the Missal from the altar until the Celebrant has censed where it stands (2). After the altar has been censed, stand beside the Mc at the Epistle side of the altar while he censes the Celebrant.

Wait until the Mc has gone to stand at his place by the Missal, and when he has turned to face you, bow to the Mc, cense himf'and bow again (4).

Turn to face towards the credence table, wait until the Acolytes have finished washing the Celebrant's fingers and have both returned to the credence table, and when they turn and face you, bow to the First Acolyte and cense him, bow to him again and repeat the procedure with the Second Acolyte, or you can bow once to both Acolytes together, cense each in turn and bow to both together again.

At the centre of the sanctuary, genuflect to the altar, and go to face those servers seated, in choir, on the Gospel side of the chancel, bow to them and cense them with three single swings, bow to them again, genuflect to the altar at the centre and stand before those servers who are seated on the Epistle side. Cense them in the same way as those on the Gospel side. Go to stand at the centre of the altar rails (or where they should be, and in the same way), cense the congregation with three single swings, bowing, once only, to them before and after censing them.

Go back to the centre of the sanctuary to meet those servers who are to carry torches. Genuflect with them and lead the Torchbearers to the sacristy to collect their torches.

Secret to Consecration

At the start of the singing of Sanctus, carrying the thurible, lead the Torchbearers, with their lighted candles, back to the sanctuary, genuflect with them, and return to your place by the credence table where you stand, gently swinging the thurible. At Hanc igitur the Mc or one of the Acolytes puts incense into the thurible ready for the Elevation.

Consecration to Communion

When the Mc kneels, kneel on the bottom step on the Epistle side and cense the Blessed Sacrament (5). After the last genuflection rise, go to the centre before the altar, genuflect - on two knees, as the Blessed Sacrament is now on the altar - and take the thurible to the sacristy, return to the sanctuary, genuflect on two knees and stand near the credence table with the Acolytes.


After the Celebrant has said Domine non sum dignus, if you are to receive communion, go to kneel on the edge of the footpace with the other servers. Once you have received the Sacred Host, go back to your place by the credence table and kneel there.
If you are not to receive communion, kneel in your place at the words Domine non sum dignus, and remain kneeling until the end of communion.
Once the Blessed Sacrament has been placed in the tabernacle, rise, go to the centre, genuflect with the Torchbearers and lead them back to the sacristy to put away their torch candles. Lead them back to the sanctuary, genuflect together and return to your place by the credence table.
Ablutions to end of Mass
As Thurifer you have no further function until the endof the Mass. Kneel for the Blessing, and stand for the Last Gospel, genuflect at Et Verbum caro factum est.
After Mass
Immediately the Last Gospel is finished, go to the centre, to the part nearest to the way out, and stand there between the two Acolytes ready to lead the wayback to the sacristy. Finally, genuflect when the Mc gives a signal to do so and lead the procession to the sacristy in the same order as at the start of Mass.
Notes for the Thurifer:
(1) There is no provision in the rubrics of the 1962 Missal for a boat bearer; the Thurifer should himself carry the incense boat. However, if the Thurifer is a small boy who will need both hands to manage the thurible, the Mc might feel it advisable to have another boy to carry the boat. In this event, the Boat Boy's normal position is beside the Thurifer, except when he is at the altar. It always looks ludicrous, and is unnecessary, to have an adult acting as Boat boy.
Alternatively, if the Thurifer is too small to manage both thurible and boat, the latter could be left on the credence table, and one of the Acolytes can then pass it to the Mc when it is required.
(2) The Missal can be moved by the Thurifer or by one of the Acolytes. The Mc will tell you before Mass who is to move it.
(3) Properly, only those standing at the time when the words Et incarnatus est, etc. are begun kneel for the chanting of them; however, it has long been the custom in England and Wales for all except the Celebrant (and the Sacred Ministers at High Mass) to kneel even after they have sat. Do what the Mc tells you to do.
(4) Censing: there are two methods of censing: with double swings and with single swings.
Double Swings: to cense with a double swing, with your right hand raise the closed bowl of the thurible up level with your face, grasping it just above the cover. Hold the rest of the chain quite taut with your left hand, held at about waist level, and with your right hand throw the bowl of the thurible in the direction of the person you are censing and allow it to fall back against the chain, repeat this movement and then lower your right hand to waist height. This is one double swing.
The Celebrant is censed (by the Deacon at High Mass) with three double swings, i.e.: this basic movement repeated three times, the right hand returning to waist level after each double swing. (The Deacon and Subdeacon at High Mass are each censed with two double swings.) Any individual who is censed alone, e.g.: the Mc, is censed with one double swing. The Acolytes should be censed individually with one double swing each.
Single Swings: to cense with a single swing, hold the bowl of the thurible at waist level with your right hand while your left hand holds the chain and throw the bowl of the thurible straight in front of you in the direction of the persons you are censing and allow it to fall back against the chain, repeat this movement, but now towards the right, and again towards the left.
This method of censing is used for groups of people who are censed together, e.g.: servers in the choir stalls, the congregation (it is also how the Priest censes things).
Bowing: before you cense anyone, bow to them, and bow again after you have completed the censing.
When you are censing a group, only bow once straight ahead, to the whole group, before you cense them, and once more after the censing. Do not bow three times, centre, right and left, which is neither correct nor elegant.
(5) At the Elevation, the Blessed Sacrament is censed with three double swings at each Elevation. You will probably find it convenient to time each double swing so as to coincide with the ringing of the bell; thus, the first time the bell is rung, at the first genuflection, cense the Blessed Sacrament on the altar with the first double swing, at the second bell, when the Celebrant raises the Sacred Host, cense the Host with the next double swing, on the third bell, at the second genuflection again cense the Blessed Sacrament on the altar with the third double swing. Repeat this procedure the next three times the bell is rung for the Elevation of the Chalice. You will have to pause for a moment before the last genuflection, as you will have to wait while the Celebrant puts the pall on the Chalice.

Monday, 26 July 2010

SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Mc at the Missa Cantata)

The Mc at Missa Cantata

It is the duty of the Mc to know what everyone else must do during the Mass and to direct them where direction is necessary.

Before Mass assist the Celebrant to vest and organise the procession to the altar. The order of the procession is as below:

Thurifer with thurible
2 acolytes with candles
2, 4 or 6 torchbearers without their torch candles (1)
Any other servers

When it is time to begin, indicate to the Celebrant and the servers that they should bow to the sacristy crucifix and follow the Thurifer to the altar. Walk immediately in front of the Celebrant and with your right hand offer him holy water (if there is a stoup at the sacristy door).

Preparatory Prayers

When you arrive before the altar genuflect with the Celebrant (2), take his biretta and put it on the sedilia (3). Kneel on Celebrant's right on the floor and make the responses to the Preparatory Prayers.

Incensing of altar

After the Preparatory Prayers, all stand. Go up to the altar with Celebrant and Thurifer. At the centre, take the incense boat from the Thurifer and offer it, open, to the Celebrant saying: Benedicite, Pater Reverende when the Celebrant has put on incense and blessed it, return the boat to the Thurifer, take the thurible from him and hand it to the Celebrant (3). Hold the chasuble (4) and accompany the Celebrant while he censes the altar. During the censing of the altar ensure that an Acolyte, or the Thurifer (5) takes the Missal from altar until the Celebrant has censed where it stands. After the altar has been censed, receive the thurible from the Celebrant and cense him at the Epistle side of the altar with 3 double swings. Return the thurible to the Thurifer to take away.
Introit to Gloria
Stand at the Missal and point the place of the Introit for the Celebrant. Recite Kyrie eleison with him and at end of said Gloria in excelsis Deo lead the Celebrant to sedilia to sit, lift the back of his chasuble and lay it over the back of the seat. Give him his biretta and stand at the sedilia facing downthe church. At Iesu Christe, suscipe deprecationem nostram and again at Iesu Christe, bow to the Celebrant to indicate that he should remove his biretta, then turn towards the altar and bow; after the words have been sung, turn back to the Celebrant and bow to him again to indicate that he should put on his biretta again. Take the biretta after final Iesu Christe and lead the the Celebrant to the altar at the centre, genuflect with him and go to your place beside the Missal.
Collect to Alleluia/Tract
Stand at the Missal and point the places for all the Celebrant has to read and turn the pages for him (6).
After the reading of the Alleluia or Tract, when the Celebrant returns to the centre of the altar, join him and the Thurifer there. Hold the incense boat for him saying: Benedicite, Pater Reverende when he puts incense into the thurible.
After the Celebrant has blessed the incense, return the boat to the Thurifer, take the Missal and change it to Gospel side; carry it down to the floor of the sanctuary in the centre where the Thurifer and Acolytes should be waiting. Genuflect with them and go up to the Gospel side of altar and place the Missal on it diagonally. Take the thurible and stand by the Missal. After Sequentia...etc, hand the thurible to the Celebrant. When he has censed the Missal, return the thurible to the Thurifer. Turn the page of the Missal if required during the singing of the Gospel. Answer Laus tibi Christe at end and go back with the other servers to the front of the altar. Genuflect and join the Celebrant.
If there is to be a sermon, lead the Celebrant to the place where the sermon is to preached. Sit for the sermon.
Stand at the foot of altar steps either at the front or at the Epistle side during the said Credo. When the Celebrant has finished reciting it, lead him to the sedilia to sit. Lift the back of the chasuble and lay it over the back of the seat, give him his biretta, and stand at the sedilia facing down the church. At Et incarnatus est, bow to the Celebrant to indicate he should remove his biretta, and turn towards the altar and kneel while the words are sung, afterwards, stand turn back to the Celebrant and bow to him again to indicate that he should resume his biretta. At the words simul adoratur bow to the Celebrant for him to remove his biretta and yourself bow towards the altar, bow to the Celebrant again after. At Et expecto, etc take the Celebrant's biretta and lead him to the altar. If there is no Credo, all proceeds as below.
Go to the top step on the Epistle side to supervise the Acolytes while they give the celebrant wine and water. When the Celebrant goes to centre, go with the Thurifer to stand by him. Hold the incense boat for him saying: Benedicite, Pater Reverende when he puts incense into the thurible.
Hold the chasuble and accompany the Celebrant while he censes first the oblation, then the crucifix, then the altar. During the censing of the altar, ensure that an Acolyte, or the Thurifer takes the Missal from the altar until the Celebrant has censed where it stands (5). After the altar has been censed, cense the Celebrant at Epistle side with 3 double swings. Return the thurible to the Thurifer and ensure that one of the Acolytes (or both of them) wash the Celebrant's fingers.
Meanwhile go to stand on the footpace by the Missal and face the Thurifer who will cense you (1 doubleswing).
Secret to Consecration
Stand at the Missal, turn the pages and point the places for the Celebrant. Answer Suscipiat Dominus, etc. Whenever the chalice is uncovered genuflect with the Celebrant.
At the Commemoration of the Living step back to the edge of the footpace to avoid overhearing the names of those the Celebrant mentions and step back to the Missal when the Celebrant continues with the prayer.
At Hanc igitur put incense into the thurible ready for the Elevation, or this may be done by one of the Acolytes (7).
Consecration to Communion
At Qui pridie kneel on the edge of the footpace a little to the Celebrant's left. Raise the chasuble during the Elevations (8). After the last genuflection return to your place by the Missal until Communion. At the Commemoration of the Dead step back as at the Commemoration of the Living.
Stand away from the altar when the Celebrant receives the Sacred Host and step forward to genuflect with him when he uncovers the chalice. Go away from the altar when the Celebrant takes up the chalice to receive thePrecious Blood and go to the credence to get the communion plate. The rubrics of the 1962 Missal state that Confiteor is not said at this point.
If you are to receive conmunion, go to kneel on the edge of the footpace and indicate to the other servers who wish to receive, with the exception of the torchbearers, that they should join you there.
When all the servers have received, take the communion plate from the last server and lead the Celebrant to any Torchbearers who wish to receive and hold the conmunion plate under the chin of each in turn as the Celebrant gives them communion. Then lead the Celebrant to the altar rails and assist at the communion of the people in the same way.
After the last communicant has received, give the communion plate to the Celebrant and precede him back to the altar. Kneel on the bottom step until the Blessed Sacrament has been placed in the tabernacle (9).
Ablutions to end of Mass
Go to the top step on the Epistle side to supervise the Acolytes at the Ablutions: they first pour wine, then wine and water. Go to the Gospel side and change the Missal to Epistle side. Find the place for the Communion Verse, stand at the Missal and point the places for the Celebrant.
After the Postcommunion, close the Missal and go to stand towards the Gospel side at the front while the Celebrant says Placeat. Kneel on the floor for the Blessing then go to stand at the Gospel end of the altar to hold the Last Gospel card for the Celebrant. Do not genuflect at Et Verbum when everyone else does. Answer Deo gratias at end of the Last Gospel and replace the altar card. Go to the sedilia to collect the Celebrant's biretta.
After Mass
If any prayer or hymn follows the Mass, take the Celebrant's maniple from him and hand him any book he will need to read from.
Finally, give a sign for all to genuflect (2), give the Celebrant his biretta and all process to the sacristy in the same order as at the start of Mass. In the sacristy, indicate to all that they should bow to the sacristy crucifix and bow to the Celebrant. Finally, assist the Celebrant to unvest.
Notes for the Mc:
(1) Customarily the number of torchbearers depends on the rank of the celebration, i.e.: 2 for Ferias or Votive Masses, 4+ for Third Class Feasts and 6 for Second or First Class Feasts. There should not be more than 4 for Masses for the Dead. It is permissible to have 8 Torchbearers on the greatest of Feasts, e.g. Easter, Pentecost.
(2) If the Blessed Sacrament is not reserved at the altar where Mass is to be celebrated, genuflect when the Celebrant bows to the altar.
(3) It is not now generally the custom for the Mc to kiss the celebrant's hand and the biretta when he takes it, or the incense spoon and thurible when passing these to and from the Celebrant. The rubrics of the 1962 Missal require the Deacon at High Mass, but not the Mc at Missa Cantata to give some of the customary kisses (or solita oscula as they are called), but not all of them.
If you feel the need to introduce the kissing of these things at Mass, it is important that the action be carried out naturally and with dignity, and without an appearance of embarrassment on the part of the participants. The Celebrant should receive the mark of respect for his office with proper regard for the act, and the Mc should perform the solita oscula with due decorum. The kiss is no more than a brief touch of the lips to the hand or object being kissed. Always the thing being handed to the Celebrant is kissed first, then the Celebrant's hand. When receiving anything from him, first the hand is kissed, then the object being taken.
All kisses are omitted at Mass for the Dead.
(4) Hold the chasuble a little below the Celebrant's shoulder so as to lift it off his right arm. Release it once he has finished censing.
(5) Decide before hand who you wish to remove the Missal from the altar and inform the servers before Mass.
(6) If there is a Sequence (during the Octave of Easter, during the Octave of Pentecost, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, and at Requiem Masses), when the Celebrant has finished reading it, lead him direct to the sedilia, without genuflecting at the centre, to sit during the singing of it. Lead him back to the centre towards the end of the Sequence, genuflect with him and join him on the footpace to put in incense (there is no incense at this point at a Requiem Mass).
(7) Decide beforehand who is to put in the incense and inform the servers before Mass.
(8) Do not hold the chasuble all during the Consecration. As the Celebrant rises from the first genuflection take the weight of the vestment, it is not necessary to lift it high in the air. When the Celebrant lowers his arms release the chasuble. Do the same at the Elevation of the Chalice.
(9) If the Blessed Sacrament is reserved at another altar, precede the Celebrant to that altar and kneel there while he puts the ciborium into the tabernacle, then lead himback to the altar of the Mass.

SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Asperges Ceremony)

The Asperges Ceremony

If on a Sunday, the Asperges Ceremony is to take place before the main Mass, the Celebrant does not put on his maniple or chasuble until after the Ceremony. He wears a cope of the same liturgical colour as the other vestments. The chasuble and maniple are laid out on the sedilia. If there is no cope of the correct colour, the Celebrant wears only the state over his alb for the Asperges.
The full rite includes the blessing of water. If the Celebrant blesses the water before Mass, he first puts on his amice, alb, girdle and stole ready for Mass and then, in these vestments, blesses the water. After the Mc has helped the Celebrant to vest, He assists at the blessing of water. Once the water is blessed, he assists the Celebrant to put on his cape.
There may be two server to act the Celebrant's assistants for the ceremony.
After bowing to the sacristy crucifix, the First Assistant, if there is one, goes to the Celebrant's right, otherwise the Mc does so, and the Second Assistant to his left. They take hold of the edge of the cope and walk beside the Celebrant to the altar. Holy water is not taken at the sacristy door.
The Ceremony
When they arrive at the altar, the First Assistant receives the Celebrant's biretta and hands it to the Mc, or, if there is no First Assistant, the Mc receives it from the Celebrant. The Assistants and Mc genuflect together with the Celebrant on the floor before the altar steps and kneel on the bottom step.
The First Assistant takes the holy water sprinkler from the Mc and passes it to the Celebrant. When the Celebrant has intoned Asperges me, he sprinkles the altar with holy water and offers the sprinkler to the First Assistant who takes holy water from it with the fingers of his right hand. After the Second Assistant has received holy water in the same fashion, the Celebrant and Assistants stand, genuflect to the altar, and turn towards the Acolytes (and Thurifer), who are standing at the credence. While the Celebrant sprinkles them with holy water, the First Assistant, stands on the Celebrant's right, honing the edge of the cope off his arm. He will remain on the Celebrant's right, holding the cope, as the Second Assistant will remain on his left also holding the edge of the cope, until they return to the altar.
The First Assistant (or the Mc, if there is no Assistant) carries the holy water bucket. (1)
The Celebrant and Assistants then go to the Choir. They stand in the centre, turn to those standing on the Gospel side, bow to them, and the Celebrant sprinkles them with holy water. They then turn to those on the Epistle side and they are sprinkled in the same way. Strictly, those in Choir, supposing them to be clerics, are sprinkled before the servers at the credence, but this practice is little observed today and it is unlikely that there will be many clerics in Choir at a Missa Cantata.
The Celebrant, with his assistants, usually passes through the congregation, walking down the centre of the nave while the he sprinkles the people, sprinkling always to his left as he goes. Having reached the end of the nave, they return up its centre to the altar; again, the Celebrant sprinkling to his left as he walks. (2)
The Celebrant and those accompanying him pause and bow towards the altar when the Schola sings Gloria Patri, et Filii, et Spiritui Sancti.
When the the Celebrant, reaches the head of the nave, the sprinkling being finished, the First Assistant receives the sprinkler from the Celebrant. If they are being accompanied by the Mc or Thurifer, the First Assistant hands the sprinkler to him, otherwise, he carries it back to the altar and hands it to the Mc there.
On arrival before the altar, the Celebrant and his Assistants genuflect and the Assistants release the edges of the cope. The First Assistant receives the book containing the Prayer which ends the Asperges Ceremony from the Mc, and he and the Second Assistant hold it before the Celebrant, who is facing the altar, while he sings the final Prayer. At its end, the First Assistant returns the book to the Mc, the Celebrant, Mc and Assistants genuflect and the Mc accompanies the Celebrant to the sedilia while the Assistants, who have no further function go to their places.
The Mc assists the Celebrant to remove his cope, which is taken away by the Thurifer, and to put on his maniple and chasuble. When the Celebrant is ready, the Mc leads him to before the lowest step of the altar, they genuflect and proceed as at the Beginning of Mass.
Notes for the Asperges
(1) The holy water bucket may be carried before the Celebrant by the Mc or Thurifer, or the First Assistant may carry it; the last seems to me to be the better practice as too many people walking down the, generally, narrow walkway in the centre of the average church nave are likely to get in each other's way. The simpler things are kept in the liturgy, the better they usually work.
(2) Other practises are: (a) for the Celebrant to stand at the head of the nave facing the people, while he sprinkles first to his front, then to his right, and finally to his left; he, and the Assistants then return to the Sanctuary: (b) for the Celebrant and his assistants to go down the centre of the nave and return to the Sanctuary by way of a side aisle, the Celebrant sprinkling the people to his right and his left alternately.


Personnel Required

Master of Ceremonies - Thurifer - 2 Acolytes - 2, 4 or 6 Torchbearers.

If there are insufficient servers for there to be 2 Torchbearers, the Acolytes should double as Torchbearers, in this event it will be necessary to make arrangements for the ringing of the bell at the Sanctus, because the Acolytes/Torchbearers will be processing to the sanctuary at that time, and also at the Elevation and Domine non sum dignus.

The Master of Ceremonies could himself deal with this or he could ring the bell for the Sanctus and then place the bell next to where the Torchbearers are to kneel so that one of them could ring it for the other occasions.

The Master of Ceremonies can double as Thurifer if necessary, although it is not to be recommended as it is rather complicated to carry out all the duties of both Thurifer and Master of Ceremonies.


Vestments: amice, alb, girdle stole, maniple, chasuble and biretta for the Celebrant, and cassocks and cottas for the servers.

Candles for Acolytes. 2, 4 or 6 torch candles; if no torch candlesticks are available, use large candles without candlesticks (this is, in fact thte original form of the torch candles). Thurible, incense boat and spoon.


If the altar is consecrated it should contain relics, if it is unconsecrated, it requires an altar stone to be place on it. The altar should be covered with three linen cloths, the bottom one is of the length of the altar table (mensa), the next hangs slightly over the ends of the altar and the top one hangs down to the base of the altar on either side. Strictly there should be an altar frontal of the same liturgical colour as the vestments, but this practice is little observed these days. On or behind the altar, a large crucifix is required, and 2, 4 or 6 candlesticks with candles; although it is usual to use 6 candles at a Missa Cantata, it is perfectly correct to use only 4 on feast days and Sundays, and to use 2 on ferias. Altar cards are required: the large one in the centre, the Last Gospel card on the left-hand side of the altar (as you look at the altar from the front); the Gospel side, and the card with the Lavabo on it, on the right-hand side; the Epistle side. Missal on Missal-stand set on the altar at the Epistle corner.

The chalice, prepared as Diagram 1, stands at the centre of the altar on the spread corporal. The burse, leans against a candlestick towards the Gospel side.
Credence table

Table covered with white, linen cloth. Communion plate. Bell. Wine and water cruets and Lavabo bowl and towel; if there is a piscina, these may be placed there.
Sedilia (seat) for the Celebrant. Seats for Acolytes and Thurifer near the credence table. There should also be seats in the chancel for other servers. Near the credence table: thurible stand if required. The Thurifer may hold the thurible when it is waiting to be used and leave it in the sacristy when it is not needed, alternatively, he may leave it on the stand next to the credence table.
Before Mass
Light the candles, and light charcoal and place it in the thurible.
If the Asperges is to take place, prepare holy water bucket and sprinkler and book on the altar step. Book for the Prayer for the Sovereign for after Mass. The Ritus Servandus contains both the Asperges and the Prayer for the Sovereign. The chasuble and maniple are laid out on the sedilia. A cope of the same liturgical colour as the other vestments is set out in the sacristy instead of the chasuble. If there is no cope of the correct colour, the Celebrant does not wear a cope, but wears only the stole over his alb for the Asperges.
General Note: Silence should be observed at all times in the sacristy.

SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (Common Liturgical Actions)

Common Liturgical Actions

Avoid affectation when you are serving, exaggerated bows or other movements are to be avoided.
All actions should be performed with care, deliberation and dignity, without either undue haste or excessive slowness.
Always stand up straight; there is nothing especially holy about being stooped.
Walk gracefully, reverently and erect.
Never walk backwards, especially never walk backwards down the altar steps. It is dangerous, and there is no reason to assume that Almighty God is greatly honoured by a server breaking his neck.
If two or more servers are walking together, they should always move at the same pace.
Do not turn your back unnecessarily on the Blessed Sacrament or the altar.
When you sit, sit erect. Unless you are holding anything, rest your hands flat on your knees.
Kneel upright. You should not normally bow when you are kneeling.
Keep your hands joined on your breast, either with the palm laid against each other with your fingers extended and your thumbs crossed one over the other, or with your fingers clasped together.
The first way is the better.
When you are holding something in one hand, the other should be laid flat on your breast.
When you hand anything to the Celebrant, it is proper always to use the right hand to give it to him. (Acolytes: when you are handing, the cruets to the Celebrant, you use your right hand, when you take the cruets back, use your left hand.)
There are two types of genuflection: the single genuflection and the double genuflection.
A single genuflection is made by bending your right knee and lowering it to touch the ground close to your left heel. Your body should be kept upright and your hands be joined before your breast. You do not bow while you are genuflecting, nor do you make the sign of the cross as you genuflect.
To make a double genuflection make a single genuflection and then bend your left knee and place it on your ground beside your right one (in other words: kneel), and, in this case, make a moderate bow before rising. Keep your hands joined on your breast while you perform these movements.
There are two types of bow: Simple or Deep.
A simple bow is made by only bowing the head. It is not, however, just a nod.
To make a deep bow bend your head and shoulders. Do not, however, bow from the waist.