Saturday, 31 July 2010
Posted by Arthur Crumly at 18:28 2 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Torchbearers at Missa Cantata)
Procession to altar
When you are to be a Torchbearer walk with the other Torchbearers, not carrying your candle, immediately behind the Acolytes in the procession to the altar, keeping in pairs.
Preparatory Prayers
When you come before the altar, genuflect with your partner, turn inwards to face him and bow to him. He will also bow to you. Then turn away from him and go to your place at the seat which has been prepared for you. When the Mc kneels down, kneel also.
Incensing of altar
When the Celebrant goes up to the altar after the Preparatory Prayers, stand up.
Introit to Gloria
Remain standing until the Celebrant sits down during the Gloria in excelsis Deo if this is sung, and stand again when the Celebrant does so.
Collect to Alleluia/Tract
Stand for the Collect (1). If there is a Sequence, sit down when the Celebrant does. Sit down during the Epistle.
When the Mc, Thurifer and Acolytes genuflect to go to the place of the Gospel, stand for the Gospel.
If there is a Sermon, sit and listen to it.
Stand while the Celebrant recites the Creed. Genuflect at Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est when the Celebrant does so. When he has finished the Creed, he goes to sit. Sit also. Bow when Et incarnatus est, etc. is sung if you are sitting, but kneel during them if you are still standing when they are sung. (2). Bow when the words simul adoratur are sung. When the Celebrant stands, stand up at the Offertory.
After the celebrant has sung Dominus vobiscum and Oremus, sit. When the Thurifer comes to cense the Torchbearers, stand. When he bows to you bow back to him, and when he has censed you, bow to him again. Leave your place to stand at the centre of the sanctuary, lined up with the other Torchbearers in pairs ready to go to the sacristy to collect your torch candle. When the Thurifer comes to join you, genuflect to the altar with him and follow him to the sacristy to collect your torch.
Secret to Consecration
At the start of the singing of Sanctus, follow theThurifer, carrying your torch candle, (3) back to thesanctuary, genuflect with him, go to the place where youhave been told to kneel, and kneel there with the otherTorchbearers, making a line across the sanctuary, facing towards the altar and holding your torch candle up straight.
Consecration to Communion
Look up at the Blessed Sacrament when the Celebrant elevates It. Say "My Lord and my God" when you look on the Sacred Host.

If you are to receive communion, remain where you are when the other servers go up to the altar to receive the Blessed Sacrament. When the Celebrant has given communion to them, ne will come and give connunion to you where yui are krieeling with your torch candle (4). Once the Vt ssed Sacrament has been placed in the tabelnacl, uhe ihurifer will give you a sign for you to gt:),t up, turn and face the altar and genuflects with the :ither Torchbearers and follow the Tnurifer, walking in pairs ar.rain, back to the sacristy. Put away your torch and follow the Thurifer, walking in pairs c::ain, back to the sanctuary, genuflect in pairs and turn and bow to your partner as you did at the beginning of Mass, and return to your place.
Ablutions to end of Mass
You may sit down if the Ablutions are still taking place or if the Celebrant is reading the Communion Verse. Stand when he sings Dominus Vobiscum before the Postcommunion (5). Kneel for the Blessing, and stand for the Last Gospel, genuflect at Et Verbum caro factum est.
After Mass
When the Last Gospel is finished, go to stand at the centre, ready to follow the Thurifer and Acolytes back to the sacristy. Genuflect when the Mc does and follow behind the Thurifer and Acolytes back to the sacristy in the same order as at the start of Mass.
Notes for the Torchbearers
(1) At Masses for the Dead and at Ferial Masses in Advent, Lent, Passiontide, the September Ember Days, and Vigils of the II or III class (i.e. when the vestments are black or, on a weekday, but not on a Sunday, violet), kneel for the Collect.
(2) Properly, only those standing at the time when the words Et incarnatus est, etc. are begun kneel for the chanting of them; however, it has long been the custom in England and Wales for all except the Celebrant (and the Sacred Ministers at High Mass) to kneel even after they have sat. Do what the Mc tells you to do.
(3) When you are walking to or from the altar carrying your torch candle hold it in your outside hand, i.e.: the hand on the opposite side to the server who is walking beside you.
(4) This is the present custom. Previously, other servers took the torch candles from the Torchbearers, after they had themselves received communion, so the Torchbearers could go up to the footpace to receive there. It seems to me that the method described in the text is far better than the older form, but do whatever the Mc tells you to do.
(5) At the Masses listed in Note (1) above, kneel for the Postcommunion Prayer.
Posted by Arthur Crumly at 18:11 0 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Acolytes at Missa Cantata)
Procession to altar
Preparatory Prayers
Incensing of altar
Introit to Gloria
Collect to Alleluia/Tract
Stand at the credence table during the Collect (2), Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia Verse or Tract (and Sequence); if the Celebrant goes to sit down during the singing, sit also.

Posted by Arthur Crumly at 16:50 0 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Thurifer at Missa Cantata)
Posted by Arthur Crumly at 11:11 0 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
Monday, 26 July 2010
SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Mc at the Missa Cantata)
The Mc at Missa Cantata
Before Mass assist the Celebrant to vest and organise the procession to the altar. The order of the procession is as below:
Preparatory Prayers
When you arrive before the altar genuflect with the Celebrant (2), take his biretta and put it on the sedilia (3). Kneel on Celebrant's right on the floor and make the responses to the Preparatory Prayers.
Incensing of altar
After the Preparatory Prayers, all stand. Go up to the altar with Celebrant and Thurifer. At the centre, take the incense boat from the Thurifer and offer it, open, to the Celebrant saying: Benedicite, Pater Reverende when the Celebrant has put on incense and blessed it, return the boat to the Thurifer, take the thurible from him and hand it to the Celebrant (3). Hold the chasuble (4) and accompany the Celebrant while he censes the altar. During the censing of the altar ensure that an Acolyte, or the Thurifer (5) takes the Missal from altar until the Celebrant has censed where it stands. After the altar has been censed, receive the thurible from the Celebrant and cense him at the Epistle side of the altar with 3 double swings. Return the thurible to the Thurifer to take away.

Posted by Arthur Crumly at 09:51 2 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (The Asperges Ceremony)
Posted by Arthur Crumly at 09:18 0 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
Master of Ceremonies - Thurifer - 2 Acolytes - 2, 4 or 6 Torchbearers.


Posted by Arthur Crumly at 08:12 0 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata
SERVING AT MISSA CANTATA (Common Liturgical Actions)
Posted by Arthur Crumly at 07:36 0 comments
Labels: Serving at Missa Cantata