The Acolytes at Missa Cantata
I have designated the two acolytes as First Acolyte and Second Acolyte although the rubrics make no distinction between the two. They are both responsible for ensuring that the duties of the Acolytes are carried out. It will, no doubt, be best if they decide between themselves in advance which of them is to do such things as to ring the bell or move the book (if this is to be done by the Acolytes a see Notes (1) and (5))
Procession to altar
During the Procession to the Altar, walk, side by side, carrying your candles, behind the Thurifer and in front of the other servers. Genuflect to the altar when you arrive there and put your candles on the credence table.
Preparatory Prayers
When the Mc kneels, kneel down on the foor. Say the responses silently so as not to disturb the singing of the Introit.
Incensing of altar
When the Celebrant goes up to the Altar, stand and remain standing at the credence table. When he censes the Altar, the Second Acolyte, should take the Missal and its stand or cushion from altar and stand at the foot of the steps holding it until the Celebrant has censed where it stood, then put it back where it was. (1)
Introit to Gloria
Stand at the credence table. If the Celebrant goes tosit during the singing of Kyrie eleison, sit also when he has and stand again when he stands. Do the same at Gloria in excelsis Deo, when the Celebrant sits down. Bow when the words Iesu Christe (twice) and suscipe deprecationem are sung.
Collect to Alleluia/Tract
Stand at the credence table during the Collect (2), Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia Verse or Tract (and Sequence); if the Celebrant goes to sit down during the singing, sit also.

When the Celebrant goes to the centre of the Altar to put incense into the thurible, take your candles and go with them to stand before the altar, leave space for the Thurifer to stand between you and room for the Mc to genuflect between you and the altar steps.
Genuflect with the Mc and the Thurifer and go round to the Gospel side of the Altar to stand at the Foot of the steps on either side of the Thurifer while the Celebrant sings the Gospel. When the Mc has censed the Celebrant, go back to the centre with the Mc and Thurifer, genuflect together, go to the credence table and put down your candles.
If there is a sermon, sit and listen while it is preached. At its end, go to stand at the credence table.
If there is no sermon, stay at the credence table while the Celebrant recites the Creed. Genuflect at Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est when the Celebrant does so. When he has finished the Creed, he goes to sit. Sit also. Bow when Et incarnatus est, etc. is sung if you are sitting, but kneel during them if you are still standing when they are sung. (3). Bow when the words simul adoratur are sung. When the Celebrant stands, stand up and go back to the credence table.
If there is no Credo, all proceed below.
When the Celebrant unveils the chalice, take the cruets, the First Acolyte take the wine, the Second the water. When the Celebrant comes to the Epistle side, First Acolyte hand him the wine cruet with your right hand and receive it back with your left when he has finished pouring the wine into the chalice; the Second Acolyte must then hold up the water cruet for the Celebrant to bless the water, hand it to him your right hand and receive it from him with your left (4). Bow to the Altar, go back to the credence table and put the cruets back in their place.
While incense is being put into the thurible, the Second Acolyte should go round to the Gospel side of the altar; genuflect at the centre as you pass across before the Altar steps; as the Celebrant, censing the Altar, goes towards the Epistle side, take the Missal on its stand or cushion from the Altar until the Celebrant has censed where it stood. Put it back in the same place from which you took it and return to the credence table, genuflecting at the centre as you pass across before the Altar steps (5).
Meanwhile First Acolyte, at the credence table prepare to wash the Celebrant's fingers; place the lavabo towel over your left arm, take the lavabo bowl in your left hand and the water cruet in the right hand. Stand at the credence table until the Mc has censed the Celebrant, then go up the steps on the Epistle side to stand in front of the Celebrant. Pour a little water over the Celebrant's fingers when he holds them over the lavabo bowl, then offer him the lavabo towel on your arm. When the Celebrant has washed his fingers, he will return the towel to your arm. Bow to the Celebrant, go to the credence table and put the cruets and the towel in their place.
When you are both back at the credence table, face the Thurifer who will cense you with one double swing each. When he bows to you, before and after censing you, bow in return.
Secret to Consecration
When the Celebrant says Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, the First Acolytes rings the bell three times, once at each Sanctus. Remain standing at the credence table (6).
At Hanc igitur, the Second Acolyte will put incense into the thurible ready for the Elevation, unless the Mc does this.
Consecration to Communion
When the Mc kneels down, kneel on either side of the Thurifer on the bottom step at the Epistle side for the Consecration. The First Acolyte must ring the bell once each time the Celebrant genuflects and once each time he elevates the Blessed Sacrament (nine times in all). After the last genuflection, stand at the credence table (6).
Each time the Celebrant says Domine non sum dignus, the First Acolyte must ring the bell (three times, once at each Domine non sum dignus).
If you are going to receive communion, go to kneel on the edge of the footpace of the Altar with the other servers. Genuflect before going up to the footpace, but once you have received the Blessed Sacrament, go straight back to your place at the credence table without genuflecting. Kneel there to make your thanksgiving while the Celebrant is giving communion to the people.
Ablutions to end of Mass
When the Blessed Sacrament has been put into the tabernacle, stand up and take a cruet each, the First Acolyte having the wine as before, and go to the top step on the Epistle side. When the Celebrant holds out the chalice, the First Acolyte must go to where the Celebrant is standing, and pour wine into the chalice; the Celebrant will usually indicate how much wine he wants; when he indicates, usually by raising the chalice a little, stop pouring and go back to the top step.
When the Celebrant comes to the side and holds out the chalice, the First Acolyte must pour wine over his fingers, again the Celebrant will probably indicate when you should stop pouring, The Second Acolyte then pour water over the Celebrant's fingers. He will probably indicate when you should stop pouring (4). Bow to the Altar, and go back to the credence table and put the cruets back in their place. Remain at the credence until the end of Mass. You should not move the chalice veil.
Remain standing for the Communion Verse and the Postcommunion Prayer (7).
Kneel for the Blessing and stand for the Last Gospel. Genuflect with the Celebrant at Et Verbum caro factum est. At the end of the Last Gospel, take your candles and go with them to stand with the Thurifer at the centre before the Altar, facing towards it, standing near the entrance to the sanctuary ready to lead the way back to the sacristy. Leave space for the other servers to line up between you and the Altar.
After Mass
If any hymn or prayer follows the Mass, stand facing the Altar during it.
Finally, when the Mc gives a sign, genuflect with the other servers and follow the Thurifer back to the sacristy.
In the sacristy, bow with the other servers to the crucifix and then to the Celebrant. If it is the custom for the Celebrant to give the servers his blessing in the sacristy, kneel for this. If there is no sacristan, help the other servers clear the Altar, then remove your cassocks and cottas and go quietly away. It is fitting that you first say a prayer of thanksgiving.
Notes for the Acolytes
(1) The Missal can be moved by the Thurifer instead. If he is to do so, both Acolytes remain at the credence table for the censing of the Altar. The Mc will tell you before Mass who is to move the Missal.
(2) At Masses for the Dead and at Ferial Masses in Advent, Lent, Passiontide, the September Ember Days, and Vigils of the II or III class (i.e. when the vestments are black or, on a weekday, but not on a Sunday, violet), kneel for the Collect.
(3) Properly, only those standing at the time when the words Et incarnatus est, etc. are begun kneel for the chanting of them; however, it has long been the custom in England and Wales for all except the Celebrant (and the Sacred Ministers at High Mass) to kneel even after they have sat. Do what the Mc tells you to do.
(4) The Mc may want you to hand the cruets to him and he will then hand them to the Celebrant. The Mc will tell you if he wishes it to done this way.
(5) The Missal can be moved by the Thurifer instead. In this case, you both remain at the credence table for the censing of the Altar and when the Celebrant has been censed by the Mc, both assist at the Lavabo; the First Acolyte takes the water cruet and lavabo bowl, the Second Acolyte the lavabo towel. The Mc will tell you who is to move the Missal.
(6) At the Masses listed in Note (2) above, kneel from the Sanctus until the Celebrant has sung Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum when you should stand up again.
(7) At the Masses listed in Note (2) above, kneel for the Postcommunion Prayer and the Prayer over the People when there is one.
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